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Smoothie Time : Moringa, Kiwi, & Apple Smoothie

Smoothie Time : Moringa, Kiwi, & Apple Smoothie

By Angela Ilagan | | detox drink, diet drink, health drink, kiwi smoothie, Moringa, Moringa apple kiwi smoothie, moringa detox drink, moringa health boost, Moringa smoothie

After the Thanksgiving binge, it's time to go back on track with your diet.
Though binging for one day won't affect you much, it's still better to restart your usual diet and exercise — so that your effort long before Thanksgiving to maintain a good weight won't go down the drain.

And there's no better time to do it than today. Pair up with the perfect opportunity is this healthy detox smoothie — Moringa, kiwi, & apple which is the best nutrition booster. It gives your body enough fiber, essential nutrients, and energy you need for the whole day.

This smoothie is also rich in Vitamin C, A, fiber, and the list goes on due to the rich nutrients from Moringa. Plus, apple and kiwi are good source of vitamins and fiber.

Ready for a healthier smoothie recipe? Read more!

Ingredients :
6-7 peeled kiwi
Red or green apple, cut into slices

Moringa powder , Miracle in the Green (preferred)
250 ml water or less, depends on your preference 
1 lime (optional)

Mix the kiwi, moringa powder,  lime (optional) , apple slices and water, throw in the blender. Process until creamy and smooth consistency. 


Love + miracles,



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